Economic Times app for Mobile phones and Tablets

The Economic Times, India’s most-read business newspaper and most-visited business and finance site is now available for all platforms for mobile phones and tablets such as iPad, iPhone, Android phone, BlackBerry, Nokia and Windows Phone. This would keep you updated with live business news and stock markets with live stock quotes from both the BSE and NSE.
Features of Economic times app
*. Latest - Gets you the latest news as it happens – the Markets, Industry, Infotech, Politics and more
*. All Sections - Detailed, alphabetical listing of news and information from Advertising toTyres
*. Stocks - Get latest quotes and charts for BSE & NSE stocks
*. Portfolio - Keep tabs on your investments so that you can invest wisely with stock quotes from both BSE and NSE.
*. Sharing – Users can share articles or photos on Facebook and Twitter, and also via e-mail.
Download the app for iPhone , iPad , Android , BlackBerry , Nokia and Windows Phone for free.
